EVENT / SEMINAR / MEETING ‘Leadership from Any Chair’

Ms. Yvonne Burton (イヴォンヌ・バートン)


“Are you a Leader? Find Out and Start Developing Your Leadership Potential Today”

Application URL(お申し込み)


Date & Time(開催日時)

・July 20, 2024 (Sat) 10:00~12:30 or 13:30~16:00
・July 23, 2024 (Tue) 18:00~20:30
・July 24, 2024 (Wed) 18:00~20:30
・July 27, 2024 (Sat) 10:00~12:30 or 13:30~16:00
・July 30, 2024 (Tue) 18:00~20:30
・July 31, 2024 (Wed) 18:00~20:30
・August 3, 2024 (Sat) 10:00~12:30 or 13:30~16:00
・August 6, 2024 (Tue) 18:00~20:30
・August 7, 2024 (Wed) 18:00~20:30
・August 10, 2024 (Sat) 10:00~12:30 or 13:30~16:00


このセミナーでは、グローバル ビジネスで働く (若い) プロフェッショナルが、世界中のリーダーシップ スタイルの変化を探り、ダイナミックな演習を通じて自分の本来の能力を認識し、創造、革新、刺激を与えるリーダーシップの資質を積極的に構築する方法を学びます。
Global Englishでの講義となりますが、一部日本語でも対応いたします。

Learn about new trends in Global Leadership & how to be the leader of your own growth and development no matter your position or title.

In this introductory seminar, (young) professionals working in global business will explore the changes in leadership styles around the world, gain awareness of their inherent abilities through dynamic exercises and learn how to be proactive in building their leadership qualities to create, innovate and inspire.

Yvonne Burton, founder and Lead Consultant of Burton Consulting International (BCI), with over 25 years in technology, business communications and a deep Japanese cross-cultural background, helps Japanese professionals and companies overcome the language, technology, and cultural communication barriers limiting their productivity, progress, and success. She helps them master effective business communications (business English, presentation skills, leadership, leading effective meetings, team interactions) for impactful communication, connection and collaboration results with global team members, clients and customers.


ONthe UMEDA WorkRoom
大阪市北区曽根崎2-16-19 メッセージ梅田ビル 1階


Ms. Yvonne Burton (イヴォンヌ・バートン)

Ms. Yvonne Burton (イヴォンヌ・バートン)

Yvonne holds a BA degree in International Business and Economics from the State University of New York, College at Brockport, and an Asian Studies Certificate from the Asian Studies Program at Kansai Gaikokugo Daigaku University in Osaka, Japan. She is a Certified Executive Coach, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, and a champion of ‘Tech Fluency’ (ease & proficiency in using virtual tech tools for Communication, Connection, and Collaboration.)

For the past 20+ years, Yvonne has supported companies in the areas of online marketing and advertising, technology consulting, business/solutions analysis, and English communications. In her extensive work as a business analyst in Technology, Yvonne honed her ability to view challenges from a systems perspective. She combines this expertise with cross-cultural experience, acquired while living and working in Japan, communication skills, and analysis methodologies to provide consulting and coaching services, facilitation, and workshops for clients ranging from start-ups to global companies.

She has worked independently and in collaboration on successful programs for global Japanese corporate clients, professionals, non-profits and universities since founding BCI in areas including business English communications, business analysis, technology virtual tools training and best practices, leadership development and cross-cultural training.








26,000 円(includes follow-up 1 to 1 Coaching Conversation)